"Most - against": the fans of Julia at the beginning argue whether it needs the title of deserved artist


Julia Odeodov died in March of this year at the age of 39. Now her fans have staged a share in social networks in support of the singer posthumously awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

About Flashmob reported the former director of the beginning Anna Isaev. According to her, the fans of the singer themselves initiated the action, the main idea of ​​which lies in Hesteaga # YulyAvyazheny. Anna published a selection of rollers in which people stand in front of the camera with a sheet of paper, which is written by the mentioned Hesteg.

We did not expect so many folk love! I have already seen more than three hundred photos. I think that you have the right to express your opinion and attitude to the question,

- commented on Flashmob Anna.

At the same time, many users are perplexed why this promotion was at all. The network broke out disputes between supporters and opponents of the assignment of Yulia title. "I am sure the overwhelming majority - against. And I also. What did she do this special, so that it is to assign this title? "," And during the Life of the beginning, what Isaeva did not beat in the drums, did not pierce the title? "," It's necessary to think about it! "," Why now, Yulia is this title ?! "Users expressed.

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