C-3Po died? Fans of "Star Wars" promise the creators of the massacre after the final trailer


Film trailer "Star Wars. Skywalker. Sunrise "forced fans from all over the world to immediately begin to build the most bold theories and assumptions. The long-awaited final part of Skayufoker Sagyookers is still wounded by the secret, and most importantly, the trailer left a big question: is it really possible to die? For obvious reasons, the fans reaction at the time of the trailer associated with a good-natured android was very turbulent.

The scene on which is in question, shows C-3PO with wires behind his back, which speaks, Rei and Finn, that "wants to look at his friends for the last time." No explanation for why the robot is preparing to say goodbye to everyone until there is no. But one hint that another original character of the "Star Wars" can be chosen into oblivion, enough for fans literally fell into hysterics. And some of them explained why the potential death of C-3PO would be so tragic, especially given the fact that he would not know everything that he knows about his incredible effect on the story of the audience.

"If I see that the C-3ro dies, I swear, I will burn the cinema."

"C-3ro will die, not knowing that he played an important role in the" wars of clones ", and that he was made by Anakin, and that he spent time next to Padme. He does not know anything from this, he does not know how much he did, I cry. "

"I can't believe that S-3ro was connected so long with the family drama Skyuples so that in the end just die."

After all the losses that suffered the fans of "star wars", such a stormy reaction to another death in the film "Skywalker. Sunrise "quite explained. But, of course, mourn s-3ro it is too early. Recall, at the exhibition D23 Expo Android appeared with sinister red eyes, and it may be a hint that he will go to the "dark side" or will be reconfigured to help resist. It is impossible to exclude the option that the trailer is just a trick to knock the fans with a sense.

C-3Po died? Fans of

To understand what kind of fate is waiting for adorable S-3ro, it will be possible soon. The film "Star Wars. Skywalker. Sunrise "starts in cinemas on December 19.

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