Star "Supernatural" Jared Padaleki arrested drunk for a fight with a bartender


As it became known to TMZ, early in the morning on Sunday Jared Padalekia was arrested in his native Austin, Texas, on charges of fight and stay in a state of intoxication in a public place. The actors arrested right in his favorite bar, Stereotype Bar, after the paddled padle hit the bartender and the bar control.

In the video that TMZ managed to get a certain person (clearly to say that it really is 100%, the padle plays, it is impossible to say), who holds with the second man on the sidewalk, then communicates with the police next to his car and finally together With these policemen arrested headed to the site.

According to TMZ, the sum of the pledge behind the padle plays was set minimum - only $ 15,000, but it is unknown, whether the deposit or Jared has been made while still in the site. Representatives of the actor to numerous requests from American media to comment on the situation have not yet responded.

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