Taika Vaititi revealed how convinced Natalie Portman become a woman-torus


MARVEL fans were shocked when earlier this year Natalie Portman was on the Comic-Con comic festival scene, holding a thorah hammer in hand. The actress did not appear in the filmsened Marvel since the movie "Tor 2: The Kingdom of Darkness" (2013) came out, and it seemed that she had committed to Jane Foster. But recently it became known that in the upcoming picture "Thor: Love and Thunder" Portman is prepared by the role of a mighty torus, because it was Jane Foster that will become a new owner of a magic hammer. It turned out that returning to the franchise actress convinced Taika Weiti, director of "Love and Thunder":

Taika Vaititi revealed how convinced Natalie Portman become a woman-torus 29609_1

Acknowledge, I did not have to make a lot of effort. I think for Natalie it was necessary for her character to be interesting. This is especially important when in such large films you play "Earthlan, who is preserved on science", because such an image of the order of fading against the rest of the rest, you understand ... Having played such a role in two other parts, you would like something else. I think that in a new film the most attractive for Natalie was the opportunity to take a step forward and turn into a superhero. And I was entirely for the fact that she played such a role, and did not again depicted a scientist. Moreover, such reincarnation is written in the comics themselves, so we did not have to invent anything.

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Recall that in the pictures "Tor" and "Tor 2: The Kingdom of Darkness", Portman played the second violin, whereas in the center of the plot was the character of Chris Hemsworth. It is quite natural that the prospect of going to the fore for the owner of Oscar is a key factor that predetermined her return to the film marvel.

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