Pleklo: The director "Deli suicide" showed early test images Harley Queen


On the eve of the return to the screens of the Charley Charley Character, David Eiger film director demonstrated how the main twist of Gotam could look like. Although it is believed that this episode of the film DC has become almost the most fault, no one is taken to argue that the choice of Margot Robbie for the role of Harley became a brilliant solution.

Pleklo: The director

And the other day Eiger, in his Instagram account, shared snapshots of the test image and Robbie Grima for the "suicide squad". In signatures to the photo it is indicated that they became a weighty "part of the process of picking makeup and wardrobe" heroine.

Pleklo: The director

The director also noted that the Makeup Artist Alessandro Bertolaszi very responsibly approached Making Robbie, trying to determine how one or another image would harmonize with the skin of the actress, and also modifies under the light of sophists and in the lens of the chambers.

Pleklo: The director

Eiger did not forget to admire the durability of the actress, who courageously endured an endless series of "samples and mistakes", as a result, to achieve a recognizable bright image of Harley Queen.

Pleklo: The director

Photos Robbi caused a warm response of fans, although on some frames the actress looks frankly pale and painful. Apparently, they can be attributed to those samples and mistakes to which Eiger referred.

Pleklo: The director

Already on February 6, 2020, Harley will return to fans in the form of a central character of the film "Painting Birds". And on February 6, 2021, the outlet of the sequel "squad of suicides" is scheduled.

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