Winchesters at school: new frames and promotional video 4 series "Supernatural"


The final season of "supernatural", as expected, unfolds rapidly and causes the audience with the new force to empathize with the brothers Winchesters. While not so many episodes were shown, but Sam and Dean had already managed to lose two important allies - magnificent Roven (Ruth Connell) and Arthur Ketche (David Haidn-Jones). And if earlier, when these actors disappeared from radar, the hope of their return was warm, this time the farewell became final.

The death of Ketche was quite inglorious - he was killed by a demon named Ardat performed by Sharon Taylor. But Roven finally actually accomplished the feat, bringing himself sacrificing in the last attempt to save the world from the Horde of the demons issued by God. And it all points to the fact that her plan was crowned with success, which means that Winchesters will soon be able to return to the usual work.

Winchesters at school: new frames and promotional video 4 series

In the next episode of the series Sam and Dean will be in the school walls, and if this series is as funny as the one, where Dean depicted physical education teachers, the audience will not smile at the audience.

Winchesters at school: new frames and promotional video 4 series

Winchesters at school: new frames and promotional video 4 series

Winchesters at school: new frames and promotional video 4 series

Winchesters at school: new frames and promotional video 4 series

Winchesters at school: new frames and promotional video 4 series

Recall, the series "Supernatural" comes out on Thursdays on the American CW TV channel.

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