"I did not have time to give birth, and already kosychit": Anastasia Rutov is criticized for the appeal to the newborn


Racettova describes in detail the new stage in his life in Instagram, complaining that she began "zombie period" and only recently appeared time to look at the mirror. But then the wife of Timati adds that care for her child is more important than any inconvenience.

However, the folloviers of the resistant do not give her any concerns and are strictly judged for any oversight. For example, Anastasia often remind that the baby needs to maintain the head. Judging by the pictures in the microblog, the girl is not particularly steaming about this, which causes righteous anger from the instam.

"Doesn't you need to hold the head?", "Nastya, be careful", "Why is I so scary for a child?", "Support the head. This is not a toy! ", - write in the comments. In addition, the readers did not like that Rutovova went too early with Ratmir for a walk and even arranged the autumn photo session. "Too little for walks, not yet faster," "Poor Ratmir", "did not have time to give birth, but already kosychit", - crushed on the network.

They were also those who suggested that Nastya with her son simply escaped to the park from the over-attention of Mom Timati. As you know, Simon rages the older daughter of Raper Alisa and, it is likely, wants to take on the upbringing and a newborn grandson.

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