It does not have to say goodbye: the creator of "hundreds" told what the series covered about


The CW is developing a new series, which should be a prefix to the popular science fiction drama "hundred". The TV channel ordered the production of a pilot series, which will become one of the episodes of the seventh and final season "hundreds". The actions covered in 97 years before the events of the original series. Spectators will see a nuclear apocalypse, as a result of which most of the population of the Earth was exterminated. The main characters of history will be the survivors that fight for their lives in harsh postpocalyptic conditions, trying to create a new and best society on the ashes of the former world.

It does not have to say goodbye: the creator of

It does not have to say goodbye: the creator of

The author of the series Sicvel will be the Showranner "hundreds" Jason Rothenberg, while Leslie Morganstein and Gina Girolamo will perform as executive producers of the project. After the official announcement of the launch, Rothenberg was launched on his page on Twitter wrote:

I am very glad that the world "hundreds" will continue to expand.

Recall that in August, Rothenberg personally confirmed that the "hundred" would limit himself to the seven seasons. To the question of whether the series is waiting for a happy end, Rothenberg replied:

I think this is an interesting question. A happy ending? I would say this: it will be our version of the happy end. How do you like? But in any case we will try to add depths in the seventh season. The ending is always important, this is the moral of the whole story. But our moral will not be reduced to the banal conclusion that people are terrible in nature and the sake of survival are ready to go to any crimes. We want to do something more interesting.

The seventh and final season "hundreds" will be released in 2020.

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