Alexander Petrov explained why "his so many" in the movies: "My tongue is my enemy"


The 30-year-old Alexander Petrov has already received the fame of the actor, which "too much". In response to Russian films, the audience is often indignant by the fact that the screens are "the same", but, according to the public, Petrov in this regard surpassed their colleagues.

One of the first questions to Ksenia Sobchak Alexander was the question of whether he was so sought-after him. The presenter compared Petrov with Alla Pugacheva:

You say "leaving" and do not leave.

Alexander Petrov explained why

No I'm not afraid. I'm just a fan of profession. I do not think about it, I like to go ahead. Someone in social networks wrote about the fact that I was much, - this is the Internet public. I'm not saying that I'm leaving. Just want to pause,

- Alexander answered Ksenia.

Next, Sobchak told the interlocutor about the Meme, which says that Alexander does not change externally for the new role, but only disguises, while other actors lose weight, get fat, grow hair and so on. In response, Petrov noted that he belongs to himself with humor, but he still "a little bit offended":

I do not think that I only change clothes. If the role demanded that I would save, I lost it or somehow changed greatly - I will do it. They simply did not have such proposals.

Also in an interview with Sobchak, it turned out that Alexander refused to be filmed in one of Kirill Serebrennikov's projects. The actor called Serebrennikov a grand director and noted that all actors of the country dream of filming him. However, Petrova "did not elaborate".

My tongue is my enemy. It seems to me that this person will not be offended at me. We talked to him very closely, and I said that I don't feel that I would do it that I did not burn my eyes. My heart will not bake when I arrive at the site. I knew it was not mine,

- summed up Petrov.

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