"Are you scared?": Timothy Shalama against Robert Pattinson in the Full-length Trailer "King".


The premiere of the new work of David Misho, the most famous for the films "Kingdom of Animals" and "Rover", not far from the mountain. The historic drama "King", speaking adaptation of the play of Shakespeare "Heinrich V", will show Prince Hal performed by Timothy Shalam, who after the death of Father-Tiran inherited an English throne.

However, soon after joining the monarch, the young ruler must do everything to balance political conflicts unleashed by the previous king. Chalama's character is waiting for the sequencing war, grandiose battles and victory in the battle of Azenkur, one of the consequences of which was the decision of the French king of Charles VI crazy to convey the throne to the English ruler, and with him - his daughter of Catherine.

Talking about the role in the "king" as part of an interview with Entrantainment Weekly, Shalame admitted that she was not easy for him. According to him, when you want to become an actor in childhood, you can imagine everything that happens almost like a cartoon where the heroes simply wave with swords and jump on horseback. In real life, everything turned out to be much more difficult, but as Chalama noted, "working with Ben Messelson, Se Shon Harris, found that she was subconsciously learning more than even can say."

The dark drama Misho united on the set also Robert Pattinson, Joel Edgeton and Lily Rose Depp, and the feedback from the critics who sounded after the premiere of the picture at the Venetian Film Festival were only positive.

Russian viewers will be able to assess the peripetics of the life of Heinrich V after the premiere of the "King" in the Netflix Stregnation Service, which will be held on November 1.

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