Media: Adelina Sotnikova spent 2 million to return the guy


A 23-year-old athlete, by all means, decided to return the gone boyfriend - Hockey player Vladimir Tkachev. Sotnikova ignored the folk wisdom "Forcibly Mil will not be" and turned to the fortuneteller, so that she forced Tkachev to form. Adeline did not even regret paying 2 million rubles for dubious actions - their fee earned for participating in ice shows.

It is noteworthy, but according to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Roman Tkacheva and the Sotnikova lasted everything nothing - the couple was found only one summer, and during this time, not a single common photo of famous athletes did not leave the media. True, the girlfriend of figure skater assure that she spent a lot of time with a hockey player and even was invited to a wedding to his friend.

Хочу поблагодарить молодожён за приглашение на праздник посвящённый им и близким, я была очень рада оказаться в кругу вашей семьи и друзей! Берегите друг-друга! Пусть ваша любовь не угасает,чтобы все преграды обходили вас стороной,чтобы вы были всегда такими веселыми и классными,а ваша жизнь праздником была всегда! Этот день останется у всех в памяти ?❤️ @greck95 @anasteishn #01.06.2019

Публикация от Аделина Сотникова (@adelina_sotnikova14)

However, according to other data, Adeline took the help of the sorcerer to completely for other reasons. The girl is very worried about the health problems with the younger sister. At birth, she was diagnosed with maxillofacial dysostics (like the hero of the film "Miracle" with Jacob Tremble in the lead role). Since then, she has undergone several operations and tries to lead a normal lifestyle, but people with such a disease require permanent observation by doctors.

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