Selena Gomez introduced a new song dedicated to Justin Biber


In the touching ballad, Gomez sings about toxic relationships and that it became stronger after he stopped them.

In two months you found me a replacement and made me think that I deserved it,

- Song words accurately describe the situation from the life of Selena. Justin Bieber really began to meet with Haley Baldwin two months after a painful gap with Gomez.

"I literally feel her pain when she found out that Justin Bieber was so quickly descended from Haley," writes the fan of the singer in Twitter. "It seems that Selena was able to love himself, only when he broke up with Justin Biber," the other fan of Creativity Gomez noticed.

Selena Gomez introduced a new song dedicated to Justin Biber 29721_1

Selena Gomez himself admitted that it was inspired by many events in their lives that occurred after the release of her last album.

I thought that I needed to share my emotions with others, it is necessary to recognize the fact that we are becoming better, only passing through the trials,

- said the 27-year-old singer.

Recall that Roman Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber began in 2010, the young stars have repeatedly diverged and converged again, but at the beginning of 2018 the point was finally delivered. Even after a couple of months, Bieber found consolation in the arms of Haley Baldwin, who made a proposal very quickly.

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