"Star Wars" broke the record "Avengers: Final" on the pre-sale of tickets


It seems that no one expected such a turn. Despite the fact that after the last episode of the "Star Wars", many fans were ready to write off the Sagu on Jedii with the bills, licking the film defeating their reviews, it turned out that "Skywalker. Sunrise "Spectators still lay high hopes.

On the eve, right before the launch of the trailer for the final part of the SkyOckers' story, tickets were added to the film to the film. And here everyone who considered the "last Jedi" failure ribbon, remains only to bite elbows, because during the first hour of sales "Skywalker. The sunrise "broke the record of the registry office itself in history - Marvel blockbuster" Avengers: Final ". According to the information of the ATOM ticket aggregator, "Star Wars" did not just overtake a little "Avengers" - tickets were sold by 45% more.

Now it is unlikely that someone dares to call the franchise dying and unpromising. After all, the spectators rushed after the tickets not because they saw an extremely impressive trailer, and even before his publication, that is, a massive interest in the "Star Wars" is still on the colossal level.

Of course, "Avengers: Final" - a current record holder on cash collecting, with its $ 2.79 billion, the film overtook the "avatar", which before that firmly held positions at payback. But, perhaps, after such an excitement, Marvel tickets will have to be a little moving on the movie Olympus.

The output of the film "Star Wars. Skywalker. The sunrise "directed by Jay Jay Abrams is scheduled for December 19, 2019.

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