Snoop Dog received a bouquet of favorite plants on the 48th anniversary


It is unlikely that someone will surprise when it learns that 48 jambs with Kanabis disguised in the flower arrangement. One half of them is filled with a variety of Indica, the other - Sativa, in addition, there are marijuana sprouts in the bouquet, and all this is perfectly combined with quite legal colors. We do not know what kind of cake ordered the triumph of the dog, but we are confident that all guests are satisfied.

Snoop Dog received a bouquet of favorite plants on the 48th anniversary 29736_1

It is noteworthy that a gift for rapper is made by Florist Leslie Kay Monroe, which specializes in compiling bouquets from Kanabis. The services of such a professional, of course, could not help but use friends Snup Dog.

It should be noted that the singer of the other day admitted to the show of Howard Stern that he has a special man twisting the shoals for him. Its salary is about 50 thousand dollars a year, and it has unlimited access to all the flora "treasures" of the stars. But we do not think that being an assistant musician is so easy, in the sneake of the dog there is an important requirement - the main on the grass should determine the eyes of his employer when he needs to smoke, and immediately provide him with a self-crust.

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