Monica Levinsky will play in the documentary "15 minutes of shame"


Monica Levinsky and Max Joseph, co-host Catfish programs on MTV, will take part in creating a documentary for HBO Max called "15 minutes of shame". The project will be devoted to the problem of public humiliation in modern culture. The film will be told stories of a number of people from all over the world who had the victim of public persecution and censure. In addition, the authors intend to figure out that it is driven by the initiators, and also the eyewitnesses, mass media, psychologists, politicians and experts react to this problem.

Monica Levinsky will play in the documentary

Levinsky is not a bit familiar with this topic. In the late 1990s, she also became a victim of evil attacks by the public because of his love relationship with the then President of the United States Bill Clinton. In 2015, Levinsky performed on Ted Talk with a "Shame price" speech - subsequently, this video scored more than 16 million views and led to a number of campaigns against the etching.

Monica Levinsky is an activist opposing public humiliation and persecution. In this case, it has unmatched authority, which makes it an ideal partner when creating such a project. As for Max Joseph, he is a prominent fighter for social justice, which is also capable of properly to highlight such a complex modern phenomenon as public injury,

- Create creators.

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