Kate Beckinsale considers himself a twin Ryan Reynolds: "I look hotly"


Kate told about his similarity with the actor during an interview at the show Jimmy Felleon. Beckinsale is confident that they and Reynolds have some kind of supernatural similarity.

I look exactly like Ryan Reynolds,

- She shared her observations.

But this is not just a conclusion that once made an actress. It turns out that Kate can confuse himself with Reynolds even in everyday life.

Sometimes, when I see the bus passing by a poster on it, I think: "Damn, I look hot. Oh, wait, so it's not me. Yes, and in this film I never starred, "

- Kate told.

Kate Beckinsale considers himself a twin Ryan Reynolds:

Kate Beckinsale considers himself a twin Ryan Reynolds:

The leading show Jimmy Fallon did not notice such a shocking similarity, but Beckinsale continued to convince him that it still exists. Moreover, the actress added that he could not be with Ryan in the same room.

I can't be in the same room with him, because it seems to me that one of us will explode or something else happens,

- Shared Kate. According to her, the universe simply cannot cope with it.

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