Francis Ford Coppola joined the Anti-Club of Marvel Studio and criticized her films


Earlier this month, Martin Scorsese began a verbal war against the filmmatic universe Marvel, expressing the unpopular opinion that the superhero blockbusters could not be called "real movies", as they are nothing more than the "Amusement Parks". Moreover, the Cinema called the Cinemas to resist the "invasion" of such films. This statement made a lot of noise - in the defense of Marvel publicly made many movie figures. Now, at the Scorsener there was an ally in the face of Francis Ford Coppola, another deserved film director.

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The other day, in the framework of the annual film festival named after the Lumiere brothers, Coppola was awarded a special prize for contributing to the development of cinema. Taking the award, the director agreed with Scorsera, granting that "Iron Man 3" is far to "Pattone", and "Tor: Ragnarec" is not allowed with the "Cross Father 2".

When Martin Scorsese says that Marvel films are not a movie, then it's true on his side, because we expect the cinema will help us to learn something, we expect to acquire something, some enlightenment, knowledge, inspiration. I do not know anyone who would remove something similar for myself, again and again looking at the same thing. Martin showed soft, stating that this is not a movie. He did not call such films a pitiful, but I would put it in this way,

Said Coppola.

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Given the sharpness of these comments, the discussion about MARVEL films expects to flare up with a new force. So, the director James Gann has already managed to answer the words of Koppol, who set two parts of the Guardians of the Galaxy. In his Instagram Gunn wrote that superhero films are no different from the fact that there were films about gangsters, cowboys and space travelers.

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