Edward Norton explained why "Avatar 2" exchanged on "Alita: Combat Angel"


In an interview with Total Film, Edward Norton told about exactly how he received a role in the film "Alita: Battle Angel". Recall, in the fantastic militant Robert Rodriguez, the actor fulfilled the role of a crazy scientist named Nova. It turned out that this role got Norton randomly, and before that he refused to participate in the continuation of the Avatar James Cameron. It is worth noting that "Alita" is also the project of James Cameron. In it, he made a producer and script writer.

We are friends with Jim [Cameron]. Honestly, I admire it deeply ... When he invited me to play in "Avatar 2," I answered him: "If I was not prepared by the role of Na'vi, then I do not agree. I will not part of the industrial world that intends to destroy Pandora. If I won't Na'vi, I will not be in this film. " Jim said to this: "Good. Maybe you can then play in the third, fourth or fifth parts. " And as if he asked among the case: "Do you know Robert Rodriguez?" I replied that this is not so important and I'm not averse to work with him,

- told Norton.

So the refusal to the role of the invader in Avatar 2 led Norton to the episodic appearance in Rodriguez blockbuster. If "Alita" will be continued, Norton will probably return to the image of the new. It is possible that in a potential sequel, its role will expand.

Edward Norton explained why

Earlier, Cameron and Rodriguez stated that the fate of the second part of the "Alita" would depend on how successful the original film will be. Under a budget of $ 170 million, "Alita: Battle Angel", apparently, paid off, earning 404 million, but there is no information about the launch of Sicvel.

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