Daisie Ridley hinted than the Rei and Kaylo Rena relationship in the "Star Wars"


Regardless of whether you are an ordinary fan or a tary fan of "Star Wars", in social networks you probably have ever seen discussions, posts or stories under the general heading "Railo". In this bizarre word, the names of two characters are encrypted - Kaylo Rena, who is performed by Adam Driver, and Reyi Ridley played. For a long time, many lovers of "Star Wars" are passionately wish that the romantic relationships of this couple have become an official canon, and now there have been good news on this. Daisi Ridley personally confirmed that in "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "between two characters is really planned by love intrigue.

Daisie Ridley hinted than the Rei and Kaylo Rena relationship in the

Jay Jay [Abrams] is actually engaged in this. This is a very difficult thing. People talk about toxic relationships or that this is meant. But this is not a joke. I think in the films this aspect of history is very well served, because it is not something superficial. People offer many theories, but it does not care. However, listen to different options fun. Since I know what the whole story will end up, it will be all the more interesting, how exactly people will respond [to the filming of the film]. I am aware of the ridge around the "Rail". Someone belongs to this very passionately, and someone is not,

- said Ridley.

Based on these comments, Rey Relations with Kylo Renom do not promise to be very rainbow. On the other hand, it became clear that in the final part of the newest filmotrillery, the fans will receive answers to all their questions regarding Railo.

In the wide range of "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "will be released on December 19th this year.

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