The director "Deli suicide" showed photos of Jared Summer in the test image of Joker


Exit to the "Joker" screens with Hoaquin Phoenix in the lead role inevitably stuck the memories of all the actors who were played to play the role of the main villain of Gotam. And, of course, Jared Summer comes to mind among them.

The director

When a joker from the "suicide detachment" was first represented by the world, the fans were shocked by how others there would be a look at the cult clown from the DC comic. Tattoos all over the body, including on the forehead, trimmed by metal teeth and the complete absence of eyebrows made Joker performed by summer too unusual.

And the other day the director David Eyer shared pictures of the test grima character, and it turned out that the Joker could look different. First, in the test version of the image, the hero has eyebrows, although not in a completely familiar understanding. Instead, the villain has a tattoo with repeating "ha ha". But the inscription Damaged disappeared on the forehead. There is also a difference in the smile of Joker - it turned out that initially all black grills were intended for him.

Anyway, the fans burned too much with the Joker, which he appears in comics, and therefore the image of a bright psychopath, on whose tattoos you can learn the story of his life, was not accepted with a bang.

We will remind, the "squirrel squirrel" shows the most accurate criminals of Gotam, whom the government unites to combat the evil planetary scale, promising to reduce the term of conclusion. Among the antiheroev turned out to be Deadshot performed by Will Smith and Harley Quinn, the role of which went Margo Robbie. By the way, the character of the latter will soon be seen in the film "Precious Birds".

Directed by James Gunn is preparing to present a new look at the separated team of suicide in Sicweple, which will be released on the screens on August 6, 2021.

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