Star "Enchanted" Rose McGowen repeated the "naked" image of 20 years ago


American movie star Rose McGowen has always differed in liberty and a tendency to the shock. Fans of the actress still remember her spectacular appearance at the MTV ceremony in 1999, when Rose was in relations with the rock musician Marylin Manson. Then McGowen made noise, appearing on the carpet in the super-flowing grid dress, which minimally hid its enviable forms.



Now Actress 46, and she decided to repeat his audacious output - although in a much less frank outfit. For a recent star event, Rose chose a knitted dress, opening the participants of the back, and decided to do without lingerie. The dress emphasized all the roundness of the actress, but no longer caused delight - the actress was even criticized for the choice of the outfit.



Users noted that Rose slightly spread, and a white knitted dress only added her excess volume and made the silhouette of her figure blurry. Some embarrassed that the 46-year-old McGowan continues to take off and shut up the public. Also, the fans with sadness are discussed by how the star "enchanted" - Rose looks rid of long hair and added in weight, which began not to look at himself at all.


Perhaps all this is explained by the fact that several gloomy events have occurred in the last time in the life of Rose. The actress was in the center of the scandal with the producer of Harvey Weinstein, accusing him in harassment, assistant Rose committed suicide, and in the light of these events McGouen became more and more rarely invited to shoot.

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