Rumor: Win Diesel will be headed by nobudes in the series about Miss Marvel


Marvel Studios began selection of actors for their new project "Miss Marvel". According to the GEEKS World Wide portal, the names of two actors who have chances to get key roles in the upcoming series have become known. The first one is Vin Diesel, he is considered the main challenger for the role of black thunder, King of Nerluddy. This superhero is silent, because even his slightest whisper is enough to destroy the whole city. Interestingly, earlier Diesel has already participated in Marvel films, voice out of the "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Rumor: Win Diesel will be headed by nobudes in the series about Miss Marvel 29923_1

Rumor: Win Diesel will be headed by nobudes in the series about Miss Marvel 29923_2

Aaron Taylor-Johnson is a second actor who is associated with participation in Miss Marvel. Taylor-Johnson can get the role of maxus. He accounts for black thunder with his brother, and is also his irreconcilable enemy. Maximus is a superstode, which has telepathic abilities and unsurpassed intelligence. Like Diesel, Taylor-Johnson has already appeared in the filmmaker Marvel, playing a superhero named mercury in the film "Avengers: Era Altron."

Rumor: Win Diesel will be headed by nobudes in the series about Miss Marvel 29923_3

Rumor: Win Diesel will be headed by nobudes in the series about Miss Marvel 29923_4

That up to the main character, Miss Marvel, then her true name - Kamala Khan. About who will fulfill its role in the new series is still unknown. The author of the script and Showranner "Miss Marvel" will be Bisha K. Ali, before that, who worked on such a show, as "four weddings and some funeral" and "sexual education".

On the date of release "Miss Marvel" will be announced later, but it is expected that the release of the series will be held in 2022.

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