Universal Woman: Layisan Utyasheva became a prototype for Barbie doll


Mattel in honor of the 60th anniversary of the plastic beauty released renewed dolls, for the creation of which it was inspired by several dozen outstanding woman. In addition to Laysan Utyashevoy, Naomi Osaka Tennis player received his own Barbie doll, Figurian Tssess Votionist, model Plus-Size Ashley Graham, Aviator Amelia Erhart, a scientist from NASA Catherine Johnson, political activist Rosa Parks, artist Fried Calo and many others.

Universal Woman: Layisan Utyasheva became a prototype for Barbie doll 29937_1

According to designers, new images will serve as an example of the fact that any girl can be whom to want and implement their most bold dreams.

As for the drizzle, it symbolizes the most real universal woman. The gymnast has not only achieved enormous success in sports, overcoming numerous injuries, but also leads an active social life, and also raises two children - 6 Summer Robert and 4-year-old Sofia, born in marriage with the showman Pavel Will.

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