Director "Logan" spoke about the chances of removing the solo film about X-23


In recent years, gloomy and harsh superhero blockbusters have gained special popularity. Some of these comic adaptations did not meet expectations, but a number of others turned out to be very successful. Among such good luck are the films of James Hangland "Wolverine: Immortal" (2013) and "Logan" (2017), the title role in which he performed Hugh Jackman.


Talk about the potential spin-off, dedicated to the X-23, began immediately after the release of Logan, in which the charming superheroine became one of the key characters. Mangold acknowledged that he still hopes to take for the formulation of the film about X-23:

Yes, I do not lose hope to take up this spin-off. Will it happen? If we talk about the near future, then I have doubts about this.

X-23, also known as Laura Kinny, first appeared on the screen in Logan, its role was performed by Daphni Kin. X-23 - a clone of Wolverine, created in order to become an ideal murder machine (thanks to the DNA of Logan himself). According to the plot of the film, young X-23 appears as one of the creatures of the dishonest biotechnological corporation Alkali-Transgengen, which produced a number of clones designed to become a weapon (many of them, like Laura itself, just children). In "Logan" X-23 and many of its "relatives" it is possible to escape from the vice alkali-transygen and go to Canada to start a new life there.

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In October 2017, Mangold said that Spin-Off the X-23 script is already in development. A month later, the director confirmed that in the new film Kin will return to his role, and he himself will again take the director's chair. Despite all this, the picture in the end never got the green light. Obviously, it was prevented by the fact that the Fox Studio moved to the possession of Disney - from the moment of mergers, no film about the people of X was allowed to be produced.

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