Nicole Kidman did not recognize Charlize Theron on the set of "Scandal" because of the abundance of makeup


In the upcoming film, Teron played a well-known journalist Megien Kelly, who in the past worked the leading news on Fox TV channel, while Kidman fulfilled the role of her companion Gretchen Carlson. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, the actress told a fun story that occurred during the filming of the "Scandal" picture. Charlize was so skillfully grated under his heroine from the film that Nicole did not immediately recognize her:

One day, Nicole simply passed by, as if not noticing me. I even thought that she was angry with something. I thought: "God, what could I do this? Do I have left her dressing up in disarray? Or did I somehow did not say hello to her? " A little later, she approached me and says: "Charlize?" I am in response: "Am I angry with something?" What she said: "Oh, no, I just didn't know that it was you!"

As you can see the "Scandal" trailer, the reincarnation of the thermon is really impressive - externally actress is much like Kelly, than to itself.

Nicole Kidman did not recognize Charlize Theron on the set of

"Scandal" is a drama based on real events. The film tells about journalists of the conservative American Fox TV channel, who accused her boss of Rozherd Ails in sexual harassment. Along with Kidman and Teron, one of the main roles in the picture performed Margot Robbie. Considering such a star cast and the relevance of the topic, the "scandal" is considered one of the most anticipated films of this year.

The premiere of the picture will take place on December 20th this year.

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