Cheerful company Carnation: Tom Hardy will have to fight with the second villain in "Venoma 2"


After Marvel fans saw in the first part of the "Votom" of the red-haired Woody Harrelson in the role of the concluded serial killer Cassidy, of course, there were assumptions that the sequel would turn into a bloody slaughter. But, obviously, the viewers are waiting not only visual, but also powerful sound effects, because it became known that the villain will also appear in the film.

Cheerful company Carnation: Tom Hardy will have to fight with the second villain in

The Marvel Comics Universe binds carnage and scream with love relationships, so it would be great to look at the colorful pair on the big screen. True, Sony Studio refused to comment on the information that the number of villains in Sicvel "Vomot" doubled by referring to the "early project status".

According to the edition of Deadline, actresses of various types will be considered for the role of the screech, and mostly those who are not too familiar to the audience. The shooting of "Votoma 2" will begin in the coming months, so if the screech is really destined to reunite with Cassidy beyond the comics, the name of the actress that will play it will also be well known soon.

We will remind, in comics a screech, whose real name, Francis Barringon, was engaged in drug trafficking, while once almost died of a policeman shot. Surgeons, saving her life, allowed a certain mistake that woke up in Francis superpower. Among them, the ability to fly, create sound explosions, and also mentally influence other people, awakening the darkest and low-lying instincts and desires.

Francis was in the hospital for mentally ill-tested Ravevencroft, until she freed Cassidy cells. Thus began the bloodthirsty adventure of the villainarian, with which Eddie Brock will now have to be searched.

While participation in Sicvel "Vomot" confirmed Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams and Woody Harrelson. But if we consider that the premiere of the film is scheduled for October 2020, news about other actors and characters will also not make himself wait.

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