"Complex and cheerful": James Gann compared the "Guardians of the Galaxy" with the "suicide detachment"


Among the comic book fans, James Gunn enjoys special respect. It was Gunn who suffered the "Guardians of the Galaxy" to the screen, thereby making them one of the most popular characters of the entire filmsened Marvel.

After a small break, Gunn returned to the adaptation of comics, holding a "suicide troop 2" for DC. The filming of the film was just started, but it was obvious that Gunn had immediately had to be in the company of the company of a whole group of comic villains. To the question, shooting what movie was given to him the harder, Gunn replied:

Each project is difficult in its own way. The film "Super" turned out to be exhausting physically - so many film crews and so little time to catch everything. The first part of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" was frightening, because I did not know if the people would feel the charge of emotions that laid in the film. "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" turned out for me the greatest difficulties due to my mental state. The "suicide detachment" is the most complex and large-scale project, but still it turns out both the most cheerful. So I think that it was harder for me to work on the second "guards of the Galaxy."

Acting "Detachment of suicides"

The new "suicide detachment" is hardly the most anticipated film from the extended DC Universe. In many ways, such an excitement is associated with the involvement of James Gunn. The picture will be the continuation of the "suicide detachment" David Air - coming out in 2016, this film failed to win the sympathies of the audience and critics. Given the List of the Gunn and his ability to make funny and exciting films, one can expect that the "Suicide 2" detachment will be successful.

First photos from filming

The output of the film is scheduled for August 2021.

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