A new frame appeared in the network with the ill-fated Ussa Superman in the "League of Justice"


Although the DC universe can boast many successful films, among the last of which "Shazam!" And "Aquamen", the "League of Justice" was a serious disappointment for fans. And one of the most critical drawbacks of the film became the infamous mustache Henry Caville, which had to mask using computer graphics. Because of this, Superman's face looked very strange.

If you look at the caville in the "League of Justice" attentively, it becomes noticeable, as his mouth and upper lip look unnaturally. And thanks to the snapshot that appeared on the network, in which the actor is depicted in a superman suit, but before the imposition of visual effects it seems that the discussion of his mustache came to a new round.

A new frame appeared in the network with the ill-fated Ussa Superman in the

A photograph published on Reddit showed how Cavill really looked during filming. Due to the contract for the role in the film "Mission Impossible: Consequences", the actor could not get rid of vegetation, because the production of this tape was intersecting in time with the shooting of the League of Justice. Unfortunately, as a result, the computer graphics leaves much to be desired, because the area of ​​the mouth as a whole is not the simplest to use effects, and when it comes to the need to hide the lush mustache, the difficulties are only more.

Публикация от Henry Cavill (@henrycavill)

So far, it is not clear whether the fans will appear a new opportunity to see Cavils as superman. There were earlier rumors that the actor is ready to give up the raincoat, but there was no official confirmation of this. The nearest project DC is "predatory birds" with Margo Robbie, which will be released on the screens on February 6, 2020.

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