Alec and Hilaria Baldwin revealed half the fifth child


Alec and Hilaria decided to arrange a surprise for their senior heirs, who, of course, filmed on the video. Children were called into the room where four toy pups were wrapped in diapers were lying in the strollers. The first with a task to melting a doll coped with a 6-year-old Carmen, a pink clothing was revealed under the cloth, which means that the girl will soon have a long-awaited sister. Three younger son Baldwin could not cope with undressing toys themselves, parents came to the rescue, but also their dolls, of course, were also dressed in Pink.

Boys - 4-year-old Rafael, 3-year-old Leonardo and one-year-old Romeo - by virtue of the age, did not particularly appreciate the news about the coming replenishment, but Carmen, without hiding joy, jumped dad in his hands.

It is noteworthy that after the birth of the baby, Alec Baldwin will have three sons and three daughters. Recall that in the first marriage with the actress Kim Basinger, he had the most eldest daughter Island, this month will be 24 years old.

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