Dadpool will be happy: Disney wants to buy the rights to a spiderman for $ 5 billion


Not so long ago it became known that Disney and Sony Pictures Entertainment cannot decide who will come to the main profit from the film about a man-spider. The conflict between the companies could lead to the fact that the character would not appear at all in the following MARVEL films, but it did not reach it.

Dadpool will be happy: Disney wants to buy the rights to a spiderman for $ 5 billion 30154_1

Today the story has received a continuation: insiders reported that Disney plans to fully redeem the rights to the young superhero. Question price - 4-5 billion dollars. By the way, the year earlier Walt Disney Co. Already acquired the rights to the people of X, Deadpool and the fantastic four. This happened during the purchase of 21st Century Fox, together with which the Conglomerate for $ 71.3 billion received a film and television studio Fox, FX teletext and several large channels.

Dadpool will be happy: Disney wants to buy the rights to a spiderman for $ 5 billion 30154_2

Now disney is ready to pay an incredible amount per character. Obviously, Spiderman really needs Marvel films - especially after the franchise left the veterans of the Avengers' teams, Captain America and the Black Widow, and Tor practically decided to retire. In the new phase MCU, the central place will be assigned to the young generation of superheroes, and Peter Parker must become their formal leader.

The creators were preparing fans to this from the first appearance of the spider, and at the end "away from home" held a bright parallel: Parker's personality was revealed in the same way as the identity of Tony Stark. Obviously, the young superhero will replace a billionaire as a team leader, and Sam Wilson will take the place of Steve Rogers.

World cash desks of the film "Spiderman: away from home" made up a record for Sony $ 1.1 billion. It remains only to guess how much the third part of the series will gather at the holder, which will be released on the screens on July 16, 2021.

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