Robert Pattinson nominated for Oscar for the best male role in Horror "Lighthouse"


Black and white horror director Robert Eggers talks about two beaches of the lighthouse, which live in the middle of the ocean and are completely isolated from civilization. The picture was recognized at the Cannes Festival, and among the spectators who have staged 9.5 points out of 10 according to Rotten Tomatoes.

Robert Pattinson nominated for Oscar for the best male role in Horror

Now there is a turn to appreciate the skill of the Lighthouse Casta, represented by Willem Defo and Robert Pattinson. According to the star "Twilight", working with DEFO made a big impression on him:

I knew that he would bring some kind of madness to our shootings, and realized that he had an anarchist energy. It was very frightened me, but it always helps when your character should be scared by someone.

We hope, the fright Pattinson will hit the American Film Academy, because the A24 studio decided to push it to Oscar in the "Best Male Role" category.

Robert Pattinson nominated for Oscar for the best male role in Horror

Robert Pattinson nominated for Oscar for the best male role in Horror

Most likely, the defio will also be promoted to the award as the actor of the second plan. Robert will fight for a statuette for the first time, but his senior colleague was already four times nominated by the Film Academy. If he does not receive a prize and this year, then compares the score in the number of Oscars lost with Leonardo Dicaprio. By the way, DiCaprio also participates in the filmmaking along with Brad Pitt, its partner on the tape "Once in Hollywood".

Robert Pattinson nominated for Oscar for the best male role in Horror

2019 can be considered successful for Robert's career. After the shooting in the "lighthouse", the actor tried on a black cloak and a mask to play Batman in the screening of 2021. The previous executor of the role of a black knight, actor Christian Bale, approved Pattinson, calling him a "good choice."

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