Naomi Campbell told about his eccentric habits: "I am very superstitious"


Many consider the habits of the model quite eccentric. In one of the video, on his Youtube, Naomi channel showed how during flights it pre-wipes absolutely all surfaces with antibacterial wipes to disinfect them. Then the model puts on a mask that does not remove throughout the flight. Another unusual habit of Naomi is its attitude to losses.

If I lose something, I look at it like this: it means that it should have happened. Not looking for it. It should have been lost. I believe that if things fall out with me, and then I will find them ... I still do not wear them back. I am very superstitious

- told Naomi.

Campbell also shared secrets of confidentiality secrets.

I will appear and disappear. Travels saved my life in a certain sense - a very limited circle of people knows about my movements and actions,

- said the model.

Naomi Campbell told about his eccentric habits:

In an interview with Naomi, the more complex theme touched. She calls himself survivors, because Campbell was among the first who confessed in its drug addiction.

I thank God for the fact that I managed to recover after alcohol and narcotic dependence,

- said the model. According to Naomi, she never considered her life flawless.

Naomi Campbell told about his eccentric habits:

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