Valuable frame: Paparazzi first captured the face of her daughter Leighton Mr.


Many celebrities prefer to hide the faces of their young children from the public, but it lasts it, as a rule, no longer than a year from the moment of the birth of the baby. 33-year-old Leighton Mr. and her spouse Adam Brody went in this "secrecy" rather far away - their daughters Arlo is already four, and until the last moment the famous parents hid daughter from cameras.

The star "Gossings" often tried to capture while walking with a child in public places, but Mr. was extremely caution - seeing a man with a camera, she immediately collected things and hid in the car along with her daughter.

Valuable frame: Paparazzi first captured the face of her daughter Leighton Mr. 30226_1

The other day, Leighton and Arlo noticed Toronto at the airport. The actress smiled and looked happy, she rubbed the stroller with a little Aro, who was noticeably grown and calmly sat in a stroller in an embrace with a toy bear. Gemstones with a star mother and her child immediately spread over the network.

Valuable frame: Paparazzi first captured the face of her daughter Leighton Mr. 30226_2

Valuable frame: Paparazzi first captured the face of her daughter Leighton Mr. 30226_3

Valuable frame: Paparazzi first captured the face of her daughter Leighton Mr. 30226_4

Valuable frame: Paparazzi first captured the face of her daughter Leighton Mr. 30226_5

Not only a child, but also the personal life of the actress in one degree or another is shrouded in secret. So, his novel Leighton and Adam hid the whole year until they decided to share. In 2014, they got married on a closed ceremony, where only close and relatives of the couple were present. About pregnancy Mr. also learned not immediately - the actress with a rounded belly was accidentally saw the paparazzi.

Valuable frame: Paparazzi first captured the face of her daughter Leighton Mr. 30226_6

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