Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver brought a "marriage story" at the Film Festival in New York


The film Noah Bumbach is largely autobiographical, the plot is based on the director's divorce with actress Jennifer Jason Lee. After 5 years, Marriage Lee filed for a divorce caused "irreconcilable disagreements".

In the comedy genre Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver, removing his superhero costumes, will show the lives like it is. According to the plot of Charlie - the Hope of Hope theatrical director, who dreams of submitting his production on Broadway, meets with Nicole - actress, whose career hardly managed to begin. Feeling in love with Charlie, she shines now in his performances.

Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver brought a

Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver brought a

Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver brought a

Soon they will have a firstborn, and after 10 years of marriage they are divided. Everyone has their own reasons: according to Nicole, the husband did not give her will to her creative gust, Charlie also wanted both better for them, but it turned out as always. Creativity related, it also gave a crack. The crack in the literal sense: Charlie will not make a step from New York, Nicole sees perspectives in Los Angeles.

The plot is not distinguished by the originality, but, according to many critics, the "marriage story" became one of the best films about divorce.

Two trailers presented the audience at once, each of whom tells the story from the point of view of Charlie and Nicole. The premiere of Kininomedi took place at the past Venetian film festival, where he received enthusiastic reviews. December 6, the film will be released on NetFlix.

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