Top 20 ridiculous holes, kinolyaps and inconsistencies in the plots of Hollywood blockbusters


Armageddon (1998)

To teach astronauts to drill wells theoretically was much easier than turning the brave oil workers in astronauts. When Ben Affleck pointed to this logical incomprehension, Michael Bay did simply - ordered Ben to shut up.

Top 20 ridiculous holes, kinolyaps and inconsistencies in the plots of Hollywood blockbusters 30260_1

Lara Croft: Tomb Rank (2001)

The main goal of Lara in the film is to destroy the "triangle of light" so that the illuminates could not take advantage of it. Nevertheless, by finding half of the artifact in the first tomb, the whole third act of the film Lara spends in attempts to get the second half and both destroy. The problem is that one is half of it already have - and if the artifact does not work until both halves are connected, why not just destroy one part and calm down on it, because the second half then turned out to be would be useless?

Da Vinci code (2006)

There was no need to select a combination to open a capsule - vinegar quickly freezes in the usual refrigerator. It was enough to put a capsule in the freezer, and then smash - the vinegar would be frozen and did not cause any harm stored in the capsule.

Bachelor party in Vegas (2009)

In all the resorts and gambling establishments of Nevada, every square centimeter (with the exception of the locker rooms of employees, guest rooms and toilet rooms) is viewed by video cameras of security systems. Therefore, the fact that Dag 2 days allegedly was on the roof and no one noticed this, simply impossible.

Ant Man (2015)

In the film, we repeatedly make it clear that the mass of an ant person does not change and remains the same, although it decreases itself in size. But how was the gun of ants who could withstand the weight of an adult man?

Cinderella (2015)

Faii says her magic will lose force after midnight - and so, indeed, and happens: when Cinderella runs away from the ball, all the magic things turn into what were: horses - in mice, coach - in the pumpkin. The question arises why it did not touch the magic glass tuffs of Cinderella.

Running in Maze (2014)

During the scene, when the heroes say they tried everything possible, the Nut mentions that they cannot climb upstairs, because Lianov do not reach the top. But every time the camera removes a general view and we see the wall of the labyrinth, it becomes obvious that the Liana, as much as they reach the very top of the wall.

Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone (2001)

In Hogwarts express only 4 cars, so when Ron says that everything is busy everywhere, it doesn't seem awesome. Which is amazing other: why then Harry sits one in the coupe, where could 6 people might fit?

Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011)

In Flashbek, when Snape and Lily children are shown, Lily - Brown Eyes. In the films, a variety of heroes have repeatedly mention that Lily had the same eye color that Harry Potter.

Captain America: Other War (2014)

By the time of the "other war", we have repeatedly seen in the same "Avengers", as the shield of Captain America: the shield absorbs almost all the kinetic energy, so the CEP quietly "holds a blow from the hammer of the Torah, the irons of the iron man and even aliens. But as soon as the shield hit the tanks, the Steve Rogers for some reason and knocks down.

Cold Heart (2013)

On the Coronation Day, Elza finds out that Anna remained in the palace all the time that the gate was closed - although the only reason for which the gate was closed, was to not know anything about Elsa forces, and Anna was just able to calmly go And live in a normal life.

Signs (2002)

At the end of the film, it turns out that aliens seem to be afraid of water, water can harm them - and at the beginning of the film these same aliens calmly run at night through a corn field covered with dew.

Wonder Woman (2017)

When Diana leaves the evening on the horse back to the village, a blue dress in which she was on the evening, flies, and under it a suit of wonder women is found. In fact, if Diana's dress, Diana really was the costume all this time, it would be easily noticeable - the dress cut deeper, and there would be a superhero-sketch through it.

Dark Knight: Revival Legend (2012)

Bane lured the entire Gotham police into the trap, and for several months the police survived in the tunnels underground - and nevertheless, when Batman relies, they go to the surface with clean, shameful and full strength.

Kill Bill (2003)

After the main heroine spent several years in a coma, her leg muscles were atrophy - and no one hurry to explain to us why with the muscles of the hands (which she raises themselves, skillfully kills a couple of men and pushes the wheel of a wheelchair) at the same time the bride is all in order.

Passengers (2016)

The film is mentioned that there are absolutely in stock on the ship - so why did Jim and Aurora not occurred to the easiest solution to build a second capsule to go back to cryo-sleep?

The day after tomorrow (2004)

In the final scenes of the film, when helicopters save survivors in New York, people gather on the roofs of skyscrapers. Only one question: how, purely technically, they managed to get to the roof from the inside of the building, if on top, on the roof, layer of snow and ice more than 3 meters thick?

Hobbit: Battle of the Five Militans

Let the "Hobbit" - it is the purest fantasy, but about the basic laws of physics still do not need. However, it is the laws of physics ignores the azog that fell into the water and the remaining surface of the surface, under the ice - although such a heavy armor was explicitly diverting it to the bottom.

War of the worlds Z (2013)

Although the area around Jerusalem patrols a lot of helicopters, none of the patrols on some incomprehensible reason did not notice a very impressive slide of the zombie - as long as it was too late.

Wolverine: Immortal (2013)

In the films about Wolverine, it is possible to understand that Logan claws are capable of cutting any metal - even fortified, armored doors. However, the wolverity miracle claws at some point can be stopped to stop the usual skinny sword:

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