Stars "Supernatural" about the shooting of the final season: "Every day a little sad"


Soon "supernatural" will return to the screen. The coming season will become fifteenth and final - fans will get another 20 episodes of the beloved show. For so many years, the "Supernatural" air has formed a real family around them, in which, of course, the main roles are involved - Jared Padaleks, Jensen Ekls and Misha Collins. The shooting of the final season was started in July, so for the actors farewell to the series has already begun.

"The feeling that this is the end, has already made itself felt fully," Misha Collins is recognized. "Every day it becomes a little sad ... Every time you have to say" last time ", in these words feel sorrow."

However, a number of episodes are not yet pressed, and the story is still waiting for its completion. So to the same extent to which actors show aware of the approach approach, their characters must continue to fight.

"We are always busy business," says Jensen Eclas about what is now Sam and Dina: at the end of the 14th season Chuck, in fact, initiated the end of the world, having released the hordes of zombies into the world.

"We adhere to what we know, we continue to fight and try to make the right decisions ... The scale of the situation was too big, but we will follow the usual model of behavior and hope that it will work. But we are not quite sure that everything will cost. "

The actors in many ways adopted the mood of their characters. Jared Padaleks says: "We behave the same way as usual. We just try to make your job as best as possible to inhale life in Sam and Dina and help them tell the story. We will focus on this until April 2nd [when shooting is completed]. "

The final season of the "supernatural" starts on October 10.

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