The "Vampire Diaries" Star Sebastian Roche will play in the TV series "Battheumen"


It is noteworthy that there is no character with the same name in the original comics of the Universe DC. In addition to the role of Father of Michael Vampire, Sebastian Roche is known for the works in the mystical series "Supernatural", the dramatic show Paolo Sorrentino "Young Dad" and "Once in a fairy tale."

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the French actor was not the only addition to the star acting "Batveumen": American TV presenter Rachel Maddow will be the voice of the Character Vesper Fairchild - an insightful journalist trying to find out the true person of the Dark Knight. However, Maddow itself will not appear on the screen.

Founded on comics about the Universe Batman The superhero series will tell about the cousin of the dark knight Kate Kane - this is a former soldier from Gotam, which decides to continue his brother's business. Heroine Ruby Rose Batveumen will be the first appearance on the screen in artistic cinema.

The Premier Series "Betheumen" goes to screens on October 6, 2019.

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