"Thank you, our eyes opened!": Vera Brezhnev sharply responded to rumors about treason Meladze with Erica Herceg


37-year-old Vera Brezhnev did not stand the head of rumors that the 56-year-old husband Konstantin Meladze changes her with the soloist of the group "VIA Gra" Erica Herceg. The other day, rumors that producer "changed one blonde to another" actively began to be worked out on the Internet. Under one of the posts of faith, Brezhnev in her Instagram launched a whole controversy between the singer and unfriendlies, insisting on the presence of problems in the relationship between the family couple Meladze-Brezhnev. Pessimist fans argued that because Meladze lives with faith almost in the "guest marriage", the imminent end of the relationship is predetermined.

"Guest marriage ... What are you carrying what" guests "in your heads?", I could not stand the Brezhnev.

However, the subscribers did not lose, reclamation of the "Bomranga effect": at one time Meladze left the previous wife to faith, with which, by that time, secretly met for eight years. Haters, who are terrible to watch the family drama, reminded that Eric younger and, they say, it seems that Konstantin looks at her.

"If the first wife has changed, then the second will change with his mistress," they stated.

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

Читаю новости и в очередной раз восхищаюсь способностями своего мужа? Он успевает руководить офисом @meladzemusic , курировать 5 своих проектов, быть наставником в Голосе, писать песни, снимать клипы, выпускать релизы, утверждать весь контент, заниматься детьми , заботиться о брате, сестре, родителях, племянниках, принимать участие во всем, что происходит в моей жизни, помогать в наших семейных вопросах и ещё , по словам прессы - регулярно разводиться и погуливать с Эрикой! Ну просто браво ?? ???? товарищи ньюсмейкеры, спасибо ? ?? ????♀️

Публикация от Vera Brezhneva (@ververa)

This farce, apparently, is so tired of the Brezhnev, which to refute the rumors she decided to separate the post on her page.

"He managed to lead the office, oversee 5 of his projects, be a mentor in a voice, write songs, shoot clips, produce releases, argue all content, engage in children, take care of his brother, sister, parents, nephews, take part in everything that happens in My life, help in our family matters and also, according to the press - to walk with Eric! Well, just bravo comrades Newsmakers, thank you, opened our eyes, "the ruffles have arranged to the authors of the rumors of Brezhnev, who woken as he sincerely admire her husband.

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