10 films for women who need to watch only alone


Every woman should have a quiet evening that she can only devote himself. Take a hot bath, brew a cup of cocoa and see a romantic film. Especially for such a case, we made a selection of film about prejudice and the first feeling, separation and meetings, about fabulous travels and many other things. In these films, different characters and different stories that, nevertheless, are similar in one thing: love helps the heroes overcome everything.

Scarlet Sails, 1961

I know all dreams ... otherwise you can not

Soviet film adaptation of the same name Alexander Green talks about Longren's seafarer and his daughter Assol. The family is not similar to other villagers, and they bypass their home side. Once the old traveler predicts Assol, that in one day because of the horizon there will be a ship with almy sails and takes her with him. The entire fishing village laughs at the girl, but she believes in the prediction and waiting.

Return to Blue Lagoon, 1991

New generation in the old paradise

New characters came to replace the heroes of the "Blue Lagoon": their son Richard and the girl Lily. Her mother, who sailed with her daughter on the ship and found a boy, several years teaches children to everything that herself knows. When the disease takes her life, Richard and Lily remain alone. They live on the island, gradually growing and falling in love with each other. Once, their careless paradise life ends when a ship is sailing to the island with passengers who introduce Richard and Lily with all the benefits of civilization. In front of the pair suddenly gets up a heavy choice - leave the island and know the big world, or stay in your little paradise.

Memory Diary, 2004

I wrote to you every day all year

Ellie and Noah are too similar: they have different parents, a different social situation, a different past and the future. But the present belongs only to them two. Ellie and Noah spend a stunning summer together until they get acquainted with her parents. In order not to create a favorite problem, Noah will quarrel with Ellie and breaks up with her. The next day, she moves with his family, and the young man does not have time to see his beloved again. Seven years will pass and the Second World War before they can reunite and record the history of their love in a family diary.

Pride and Prejudice, 2005

I would easily forgive his pride, if he did not insult my

Mr. Benneta has five daughters and not a single heir. According to the laws of England of the XVIII century, his property will be a relative, and daughters can only hope for a profitable marriage. When a young Mr. Bingli with his friend gets next to him, the mother of the family sends his daughters to a secular reception in his house. There is a senior of sisters, Elizabeth, meets Mr. Darcy - a state-owned, rich and closed gentleman. They produce at each other not the best impression, but with time they have both of them have to change the opinion of each other.

Last love on earth, 2010

Without love everything is nothing

People have five senses who make their lives full: smell, touch, vision, rumor and taste. Once the land covers a mysterious epidemic that deprives people of feelings - one after another. Epidemiologist Susan is trying to figure out the device and overcome it. Chef Michael tries to compensate for people loss of taste. When they meet and spend the night with each other, their connection seems to be fleeting them. Later they reunite and are waiting to be alarming when love will remain the last of the remaining feelings.

Heat of our bodies, 2013

Another story of love with an even more dead guy

The plot unfolds in the world where Zombies live a boring almost human life. The dead guy who remembers only the fact that his name began on the letter R, one day he meets a live girl. Instead of killing her and eat, p helps her out of trouble. The affected Julie starts with a zombie boyfriend friendship: he teaches her to hide among the dead, she teaches him to be a man. Over time, they notice that their relationships begin to influence other zombies in a strange way.

Quiet harbor, 2013

It is not important what you run, but where come

I can not withstand the tyranny of my husband, Katie runs out of the house. She settles in a quiet coastal town, where no one knows. The girl is trying to start life again and gets acquainted with an attractive widow and the father of two children Alex Whitley. The soul wounds are still too fresh in her memory, so at first she pushes a man. Gradually, Alex is able to melt the ice between them, and they come closer. Lovers spend time in their quiet harbor, while Katie does not recognize the terrible news - a former husband is about it.

Away from the distraught crowd, 2015

I'm not looking for a husband, but if I get married, then for the capable of taking me

Batheba Everdin is inherited from the uncle, a profitable farm for sheep breeding. The new owner takes the farm in his hands and hires workers to re-make an enterprise successful. The workers' group is hired by the ruined farmer Gabriel Oak, who asks her hands. Bathesta independent and self-love, she is in no hurry to marry, but very soon she is made by two more cavaliers: William Boldwood, a leaving of the highest light, and the young Sergeant Frank Troy. Miss Everdin is responsible for the courtship of each of them, but in the end it will have to make a difficult choice.

He is dragon, 2015

My spine is eleven blades and eight blinds; You left, and I did not mind

Princess Miroslava sad that the dragons are no longer there, so they decide for her at the wedding to perform an old song-call. The belief turns out to be true, because in the midst of the Celebration of the Dragon is in the midst of the sky and abducts the princess. Miroslav turns out to be one on the distant island, where he later gets acquainted with another prisoner: young men without behalf. She comes his armana, communicates with him and takes his help. But soon Miroslav learns that the young man is not a prisoner at all, he is a kidnapper.

Whole this world, 2017

Every ocean dreams for you to see him

18-year-old Maddy suffers from a disease that does not release her to the street. All that she has this is a loving, but strict mother, nurse and part-time one friend, as well as their own imagination. One day a young guy Ollie is populated into the house opposite. At first they communicate through the glass of the windows separating their windows, then begin to correspond on the phone. At some point, Maddy understands what fell in love, and decides to go beyond the threshold of the house to risk life and spend alone, but the best day in his life.

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