"Wrap from candy": Kylie Jenner criticized for an unsuccessful outfit at Justin Bieber's wedding and Haley Baldwin


22-year-old Kylie Jenner was at Justin's wedding and Haley Bieber one of the most famous guests. A young billionaire chose an original dress for the exit: a complex cut from a heavy golden material with a "sohable" effect. The outfit effectively emphasized the neckline and the long legs of Kylie. Fans in Instagram admired Jenner's exit: "Greek goddess in gold!", "This is liquid gold", "gorgeous!"

However, the outfit was not impressed by all. "Is this a foil?", "It looks like a candy wrap", "I wrap in this baked potato", "she looks like Ferrero Rocher," the strange texture of the material of the dress Dresses Kylie's subscribers. "Dark chocolate canceled, the milk chocolate returned," the fans quilted about the "candy" Kylie, apparently, hinting at the parting of the reality star with Travis Scott.

Among the commented holiday, Kylie was found and those who appreciated the magnificence of the dress, but noted that it was inappropriate in someone else's wedding. "I did not know that it was a beauty contest? Watching such a friend's wedding day is a bad taste, "" It's insanely disrespectful, I'm sure the wedding should look quite different, "" snapped at the wedding of friends. Is it possible? "," The fans noted, reminding that Bieber himself was in a simple white shirt.

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The wedding of Justin Bieber's singer and Haley Baldwin, daughters Stephen Baldwin, took place three days ago at the Montage Palmetto Bluff Hotel in South Carolina. A 154 guests were invited to the wedding of a couple in Somerset Chapel, among them Kayli and Kendall Jenner, Katy Perry, Ed Shiran and other celebrities.

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