Officially: the creators of "Batman" with Robert Pattinson are looking for a cat-cat


A couple of weeks ago there were rumors that in the coming film about "Batman" the role of Celina Kyle / Women-cats should get the black actress. Now this information was confirmed - Warner Bros. And the director Matt Rivz is really looking for a performer of a certain type, so that the list of potential candidates is narrowed. About whom the choice will fall on, we can find out very soon.

Officially: the creators of

About the intention of the studio Invite to the image of a woman-cat in a black actress earlier told the journalist Variety Justin Kroll. According to him, among the applicants, a number of interesting names are among the challengers on the role of comic Fam Fam Fam. True, the journalist did not disclose them.

In the film Rivza, Batman performed by Robert Pattinson will immediately have several enemies, and a cat's woman is just one of them. Earlier it became known that John Hill can perform the role of either a mystery or a penguin - negotiations between the parties continue. In addition, Jeffrey Wright is already officially approved for the role of Commissioner James Gordon.

Officially: the creators of

The exit "Batman" in wide rental is scheduled for June 2021.

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