Mulan is preparing for war on the new Cadre Remain from Disney


The long-awaited adventure film will cost without life-affirming songs and the speaker Dragon Mush, it will be much closer to Chinese legends than the 1998 cartoon. According to the producer of Jason Reed, the fans will see a real historical epic, resembling Seven Samurai Akira Kurosava and Laurenz Arabian David Lina.

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The new frame as a result reflects the serious intentions of producers and director - the militant Mulana is preparing to fight not for life, but to death. Recall that a devoted daughter who gives himself for a man for the sake of salvage of a weak father, played Liu Ifei.

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It is noteworthy that military actions in the film are unfolded not only on the set: because of the new Mulan, more precisely, the statements of Liu Ifei, a real war broke out in Hong Kong. Since August, the country has grown unrest, protesters demand to abolish the law on extradition, undermining the autonomy of Hong Kong. In turn, the police cruelly punishable the protests again and again, and it does not get out of this vicious circle. The actress had negligence to publicly approve the actions of the police, and now the opposition calls to boycott the film "Mulan".

The Russian premiere of the new blockbuster disney is scheduled for March 26, 2020.

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