"Gentlemen": Charlie Hannem and Matthew McConaehi on the first frames of the criminal comedy Guy Richie


The criminal comedy was performed in the spirit of early cultural work director: Gangsters, drugs, weapons and good portion of black humor. That is, all those themes that Richie glorified in films like "Big Kush", "Maps, Money, two trunks."

Picture pleases the viewer with a strong cast. The recognized stars of Hollywood will take part in the film - Matthew McConaja, Charlie Hannem, Henry Golding, Michelle Dokers, Colin Farrell and Hugh Grant.

The plot tells about the American expature of Miki Pearson (Matthew McConaja), which built a profitable Empire of marijuana, using the manor of the English aristocracy for this. When rumor rumbles that he decides to sell his business influential billionaire clan from the United States, a conflict immediately arises between the bosses of the English gangster. So begins a fascinating chain of bribery, conspiracies and blackmail in an attempt to steal profitable Pearson enrichment scheme.

I wanted to challenge the British aristocracy with representatives of the new light and enjoy the result of this anticipation. Marijuana is a cheerful topic. But also extremely profitable, and therefore serious and dangerous,

- said Richie.

In this film, I feel like a fish in the water. Here I am on my usual territory. I liked to work on Aladdin, but it is obvious that it was a completely different world. I know for sure what I'm talking about, because we shot two films in one year. It was cool to engage in such different projects and move from one polarity to another. And this, I think we did,

- Added director.

The premiere of "Gentlemen" in the Russian box office is scheduled for February 2020.

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