From superheroes in the Jedi: Chris Evans wants to play "Star Wars" with Bree Larson


Earlier it became known that the creation of a new trilogy of "Star Wars" will be engaged in her famous fan head Marvel Studios Kevin Faigi. The premieres of films are scheduled for December 16, 2022, December 20, 2024 and December 18, 2026.

From superheroes in the Jedi: Chris Evans wants to play

Immediately after the publication of this information, the saga fans began to guess over the acting, confident that Marvel producer would not be able to do without already acquainted by him and proven performers of superheroral roles. The first joke over the fans the performer of the role of Captain Marvel Bree Larson, posing on the network his photo in the image of Jedi.

After her, her colleague was asked to the project - known for the role of captain of America Chris Evans. On published in Twitter, the question of the Collider portal "What actor Marvel would you like to see in" Star Wars "?" He simply and concisely replied: "Me".

From superheroes in the Jedi: Chris Evans wants to play

Recall that in December of this year, the final film of the current trilogy "Star Wars: Skywalker will be released. Sunrise". The details of the plot are not disclosed, but it is already known that the new episode will complete the Sagaocker Family Saga and finally will explain the audience all the inconsideration of the previous parts of the franchise. It is rumored that even Hayden Christenon, known for the role of Anakina Skywalker, took part in the picture.

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