"This is a masterpiece!": Actress from the upcoming "Angels Charlie" was replaced by Mikhail Efremov


The user under the nickname Andrew Chaushesku published a parody roller in the network, in which, with the help of Deepfake technology, he made the main heroines of the coming restart of "Angels Charlie" similar to the star of the Day of Elections. In the comments, users did not praise the author of the improved trailer: "Finally, you can see this film," "This is too good to be true," but the Angels of Charlie appeared a new weapon - deadly overeat "," I had to call Masters of reincarnation. "

Journalists appealed for comments to Efremov himself.

Cool nonsense. I just do not understand what it all is. Made like good

- transmits his words channel 360.

Fans of the original "Charlie Angels" remains to wait for the premiere of restarting a few more months. In the center of the plot, three angel of the detective agency Townsenda Sabina Wilson will be (Kristen Stewart), Elena Haflin (Naomi Scott) and Jane Kano (Ella Balinsk), lead the heroine Elizabeth Banks by name Bosli.

The film will be released on Russian screens on November 14th.

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