Rene Zellweger told why he disappeared from Hollywood for six years


In 2009, after the premiere of the film "My Love Song" Rene Zellweger disappeared from large screens and did not return to Hollywood until 2015, joining Keanu Rivzu in the triller "Only True". To the question why the star decided to take a career pause for six years, she answered the following:

I accepted some incorrect solutions. In the soul was gloomy and sad, but I do not consider that period of time spent wasted. I learned a lot, and this is exactly what I needed. I learned a lot about the future, I learned to recognize different patterns of my behavior and make the right conclusions. Therefore, I feel only gratitude.

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Rene Zellweger told why he disappeared from Hollywood for six years 30547_2

One of the most popular projects of the actress remains "Bridget Jones Diary". Three parts of the franchise came to the screens, but the audience still hope for the fourth. Wait or not to wait, Rene did not say exactly.

If this is what Helen Fielding [the author of books] wants to do, it sounds tempting,

- answered Zellweger.

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She will soon have a much loud project - the biographical film "Judy" about the famous Judy Garland.

The Russian film premiere will be held on October 17.

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