Philip Kirkorov is afraid that his children will go to his footsteps: "Show business is such a clock"


The other day Kirkorov, together with Alla Victoria and Martin-Christine, spoke at the New Wave Festival in Sochi. Journalists suggested that the Star Father prepares his heirs to the same dizzying career. But the artist sharply stated that the children would make the best gift for him, if they did not even think about a musical career.

Show business is such a clock. The profession of artist is cruel, envious and dependent, associated with sleepless nights, life on the road,

- Kirkorov complained. True, the singer forgot to mention that all inconveniences are more than paying for the fabulous fees and the ability to buy luxury and very expensive things. However, the children of Philip Pedrosovich are unlikely to ever need money. Kirkorov's offspriets will be able to choose a lesson for themselves and do not experience so much flour as their famous father.

Recall that both children had a surrogate mother of the singer. Alla Victoria was born on November 26, 2011, Martin-Christine seven months later - June 29, 2012.

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