Miley Cyrus made a new tattoo dedicated to the divorce with Liam Hemsworth


During the awards ceremony, MTV Video Music Awards 2019 Miley Cyrus for the first time since the divorce went on stage to fulfill its new Slide Away composition. The star chose a black mini-dress on a strap, opening her hands. Photographers captured on the left singer's shoulder a new inscription, which turned out to be a line from The Thing Song Pixies:

My mind was embraced by fear, but the heart felt free.

Miley Cyrus made a new tattoo dedicated to the divorce with Liam Hemsworth 30554_1

Miley Cyrus made a new tattoo dedicated to the divorce with Liam Hemsworth 30554_2

Miley Cyrus made a new tattoo dedicated to the divorce with Liam Hemsworth 30554_3

To see the new tattoo fans Cyrus were able in the profile of the celebrities by Tattoo Masters Daniel Winter.

Probably, the inscription Miley has been nubble after Liam Hemsworth filed documents for divorce. According to insiders, the star was surprised and disappointed with his hasty.

For it, everything that connected them with Liam for many years, and it is more difficult for her to accept the fact that it will no longer happen again. There is so much that she sincerely loves in it. Nevertheless, Miley is fine and moves further,

- A source with People shared.

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