Maria Kozhevnikova about the fight against overweight: "Lucky from four years"


According to Kozhevnikova, the history of her weight loss began at the age of 4. Then the little Masha was given to rhythmic gymnastics, where strictly followed every excess gram. Efforts were not in vain, later she received the title of Master of Sport and became the Moscow champion. However, as the actress itself is recognized, its body has a feature: after each pregnancy, 20-30 kilograms remain with it. If you consider that Mary has three sons, then just imagine how many times she had to be in shape.

At first, the actress was sitting on rigid diets and exhausted himself with workouts in the gym. But experimentally developed its own weight loss technique.

No need to look for a diet, you just need to understand how much and what exactly you are comfortable, listen to yourself

- she advised in an interview with Peopletalk.

Maria Kozhevnikova about the fight against overweight:

We add that at present Kozhevnikov, together with 5-year-old Ivan, a 4-year-old Maxim and 2-year-old Vasily rests in Spain and does not refuse himself.

Eat delicious and three times a day, the mood - Kaif!

- Star boasts.

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