Orlando Bloom spoke about the great influence of the roles of Legolas and Will Turner on his life


In such large-scale projects, you often feel like a voting of a huge mechanism. I fell under a giant magnifying glass in a sufficiently young age. At that time I played Legolas three times and three times - Will Turner, all my other acting works as if they lost between these franchises. Even if I was not going to hang labels, these roles still put a strong imprint on my life,

- told the actor in an interview.

Orlando Bloom spoke about the great influence of the roles of Legolas and Will Turner on his life 30564_1

Orlando Bloom also told about the place where he feels like at home. Of course, this is his homeland - the United Kingdom.

Previously, I have never delayed in one place for longer than six months. But in the soul I feel like a real Briton. I really miss the jokes defined by the construction of phrases,

- Complaints the actor conducting a lot of time on set in the United States.

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Nevertheless, the actor prefers to make a serious relationship with women from other continents: his former wife of Miranda Kerr was Australian, and the current Bride Katy Perry is American.

Orlando Bloom spoke about the great influence of the roles of Legolas and Will Turner on his life 30564_3

Orlando Bloom spoke about the great influence of the roles of Legolas and Will Turner on his life 30564_4

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